• I am entranced
    By your moonlit gaze
    Outside your window
    At the dead of night

    Your sigh makes me ache

    I have come to meet you
    But not feed on you

    I swore to my self I will not harm you
    But protect your sense of liveliness

    If someone were to come harm you
    I would hide you away
    If you were in danger
    I told you to call my name

    At last I come to your window
    Your face has changed
    You look at my face
    You saw that it was sincere
    But not sure due to your fear

    I made one step closer
    But you stepped back

    I reached out my hand
    And touched the glass

    You are frightened because of who I am
    My head tilts down
    But I do not frown

    I understand
    So goodbye

    I stepped back
    And looked at the sky
    It was a full moon
    Just like last time...