• I stand on the edge
    Ready to jump
    Suspended above
    Ready to fall
    Looking down from up high
    As people pass by

    Tears stream down my face
    From all the memories I can't escape
    Blood flowing from my wrists
    From all the pain I can't replace

    I step closer to the edge
    Ready to let go

    I take one more glimpse
    Of the world I used to know
    The one that cast me out
    Turned their back on me

    As I take my last step
    Having no regrets
    A hand grasps mine
    Not letting me go

    I try to break away
    So I can be free

    I slip on the edge
    Sent into free fall

    That hand grabs mine
    It won't let me go
    Won't let me be

    I look up
    At my betrayer

    A Blue Eyed Angel
    So elegant and fair

    Skin of soft, smooth silk
    Grasping my dull, bloody hand
    Eyes of vast, blue seas
    Fixed on my tear stained face
    My blood shot eyes

    He pulls me up
    Over the edge

    Up on the roof
    To solid ground

    Clutching my hands
    Staring in my eyes

    Whipping my tears
    Whispering in my ear

    "What's wrong?"

    My vision is blurred
    Memories I can't erase
    Lump in my throat
    Memories I can't erase
    I reply in remembrance

    "So much pain."

    He pulls me in
    And whispers again

    "Let me help"

    I'm far from helping
    I'm far from curing
    I'm far from saving