• There was a little girl who couldn't,
    They just laughed when she tried,
    Couldn't go across the monkey bars,
    Or make it down the slide.

    There was an older girl who couldn't,
    Never higher than a C.
    She still cried when they laughed,
    No one would comfort her, you see.

    There was a teenage girl who couldn't,
    Got interviews but not the job.
    She got fired from McDonald's,
    And replaced by her "friend" Rob.

    There was a young woman who couldn't,
    She got fed up and left.
    She went and joined the army.
    Then sent a letter to her class.

    It read:
    This is an invitation
    To my award ceremony.
    I saved my troop and won a badge,
    So please don't laugh at me

    'Cause there was a girl who couldn't,
    They laughed at her all day.
    There was a girl who couldn't,
    But she did it anyway.