• I was on the edge
    Ready to throw myself over
    When I saw a solitary image of beauty...
    ...Will I ever tell her that she saved my life?

    Her body twists without dignity or thought
    for why she is here
    And men whose thoughts are segregated
    from moral nature
    make room for the violation and
    enact such grim labor.

    A cloud burst to pieces
    when the voices in my head cried mercy
    and I took the rare form of icons rejected
    from a heaven dissected

    Wisps of my dream
    Return to me
    The horror of that day
    Still it stays

    Little flutters give her away
    She hides her fears
    Sheds not a tear
    Swears by the moon
    For she is not a fool

    I had a premonition of things to come,
    of the failure I destined to.
    Her rejection wounds me
    where no healer's touch may revive.
    I will take an instrument in hand
    and forge away chords until I have
    wrought sorrow.

    I drift away from the gentle caress
    of my mind into the void that lies beyond it.
    I can no longer take refuge in my head,
    For she lives there forever now.