• As we proceed...
    To sell our LIBERTY...
    To those in need...
    We need to be...
    The very best that we can be.
    It's NOT who we are as individuals that makes us...
    It's who we are as a NATION that can break us!
    And if who we are...
    Is not all that we can be...
    How can we concede...
    To sell our liberty?
    How can we...
    Sell what we believe...
    To those in need...
    An ideal that is not clean?
    It is this question...
    That makes us....
    So we...
    The ones who strive to be the best...
    The ones who try to help the rest...
    Need to put our honor to the test...
    And be what we can be...
    So that we FIRST...
    Can truly live free...
    In liberty...
    And be all that we can be!