• Brother where out thou?

    Through the trenches and muddy pits we go
    Medics run through the woods to and fro
    Next to me lies my comrade with bloody thighs
    His legs are both missing and I try to comfort him as I look into his eyes
    I haven't known him long
    If only I could be so strong
    When the times come for me to pass
    Just like it has for this poor lad

    A medic comes and drags the soldier away
    I wish that for this life, he will stay
    But the chances of him surviving are very slim
    My minds brought back when bullets light up the woods that are so dim

    My adrenaline is pumps through my body
    How did we get ourselves into such a folly?
    Shooting blindly, I hope the bullet hits something
    Killing off one more threat instead of nothing

    "Charge!" I hear my lieutenant shout
    Now we all charge without a doubt
    Bullets and mortars surround me
    For a brief moment I want nothing more to flee

    Comrades around me drop to their knees
    As bullets strike them from behind the trees
    My breathing is labored and I charge ahead
    Preparing to pump the enemy full of lead

    Over the grassy knoll I go
    There was one thing I didn't take into account though
    I look into the eyes of the man standing in front of me
    My bayonet stuck in his gut so he can't even make a plea
    He gurgles and chokes as fear creeps in
    All the while shock in me is coming in
    With a violent shake he come free
    And his limb body falls against a tree
    The deafening sounds now return
    I turn around to see trees burn

    Bullets and mortars are all around
    I drop to my knees and crawl on the ground
    Back into reality, for this battle is far from ending