• These are tears i cry
    Not of water
    But of blood

    Do u hurt so much that you cry blood as well
    I know that it is not normal
    But i am not a normal person

    As you see the one you love walk away
    You cry
    Not water
    These are tears of blood

    No matter what you do to get his or her attention
    This is the thing that hurts you most

    Saying i am happy for u both
    When you really just want to cry those tears of blood

    But you dont for some reason
    When they leave you let out a scream and the blood filled tears

    They come running to you
    And see your tears of blood

    You are alone again
    And yet you are happy and you are sad

    Why you ask
    I dont even know myself
    I do know however
    That when you cry those tears of blood
    You are hurt and upset so bad
    The pain will never leave your heart

    Not as long as you see him with her
    And her with him