• I told you how I feel long ago.
    You never returned the feeling.
    I know how you really feel.
    We're just friends.
    But you didn't want to hurt me.
    Thanks for the thought.
    It still hurt though.
    I still love you.
    Darn you for being so perfect and loveable.
    Why do I still love you?
    There are other guys I could hope to be with.
    But no one like you.
    No one who makes me feel like you make me feel.
    No one who is as attractive outside as on the inside.
    No one I can laugh about cheese, little trees called ficuses, and little couches called futons with.
    No one I can tell everything with and laugh with and sing the alphabet with through text messages like we do.
    Or used to before we started drifting apart.
    No one else makes me feel confident and special and smart and funny and popular in my own way quite like you do.
    Why do I still love you?
    For everything you are.
    And I know you have some slight flaws, everyone does.
    But guess what?
    I love that about you too.
    I see those flaws as more reasons to love you.
    I know I must move on soon.
    But you're making it difficult.
    What with your perfection and perfect flaws.