• I found a letter in my locker today, it's from my best friend. It reads,

    -"Why do you hate me?
    What have I done to you?
    Why must you watch me suffer?
    Why must you watch me cry?
    Why do you ignore me?
    Why did you look the other way?
    When I needed help, why did you just stare?
    Have I done somthing to upset you?
    What have I done that you now hate me?
    Are you just going to ignore me now?
    Are you just going to pretend I don't exsist?
    Are you just going to forget?
    Foget about me?
    Forget I exsist?
    Am I just a bad memory for you?
    Am I a burden for your mind?
    Why, then, do you take so long?
    If you hate me, then why take so long to forget?
    Why, why make me suffer?
    Is it because when I'm gone, you'll remember me?
    When I'm gone, is that when your going to remember?
    If that is what it takes, then, please, hurry, and,
    Forget Me."-

    She was right, I was trying to forget her, forget the things that happened to us during our time together. But, now, it is too late. She is already gone. I will never see her again. She is gone, forgotten. And yes, she is forgotten, but now, I remember her. I always will.