• Demon by day, angel by night. Skin all aglow and eyes burning bright.
    Her smile as soft as the snow that falls,
    Oblivious to most as her meek voice calls:
    'What others do seek, I have found. My sight is endless while others are bound.
    I have found in the eye of the fire, a treasure for which others aspire.
    A treasure of new, a treasure of old.
    A treasure of legends, still untold.
    The stars are swirling, the moon is bright.
    A savior is born to set things right.
    A savior of honor, a savior of power
    shall rise to fight evil in it's finest hour.
    But not alone will our hero prevail.
    Only by five will the darkness fail.
    Of what I say next, speak not a word.
    For the tale I tell can only be heard
    by those who listen and make not a din.
    But I digress; let our story begin.