• As the Hunted
    I stay a step ahead
    as The Hunter
    I always look over my shoulder

    as the Prey
    I seek the High Grow
    as the Predator
    I look In all the deepest Holes

    So Now
    when Those
    who Oh so Long ago
    I stood, shoulder to shoulder
    Back to back, as brother and Kin
    Come to seek My Skull
    as the Greatest of Prizes
    I hide my self Among the masses
    Of people Just like me
    Those who see far
    Those who Seek the hidden
    and yet my Hunters close
    when i am wounded and sickly from the chase

    Hoping to grasp
    the brass ring
    I show them the wisdom of my way

    I tired Long ago
    Of these foolish Hunts
    that end in more misery
    then they where ever worth
    I became the Hunted
    For I know the trick of there trade
    I know of The baits and lures
    that Ensnare Oh so Many
    though they do not fear what could be done
    if those they seek where to play there games
    But rather revel In the fact
    That the greatest prey
    is always that which Knows of the hunt