• You hurt me
    You try to break me down
    You want to dash my dreams

    When it rains you lock me out
    You don't even care so why do I share your pain
    You make me want to die like do inside
    I try not to cry because it makes you ashamed

    Just let me go
    Set me free
    Take me away
    Show me love
    And give me strength
    So that I can rise above this pain

    I am too afraid to tell for you might yell at me
    People aske m what's wrong and I say it's nothing
    They try to see behind the mask I wear but it's useless

    I craved for love but only got pain
    you say it's my fault and that I am the one to blame
    You say you don't want me and yet I am still here

    Just let me go
    Set me free
    Take me away
    Show me love
    Give me strength
    So that I can rise above this pain

    I want to be where I belong
    Instead of this ghastly place I call.....home
    You hear my cries as I fall asleep

    I only awake to a softer bed
    Everywhere I see light
    I smiled to myself as when I look around I see angels

    Just let me go
    Set me free
    Take me away
    Show me love
    Give me strength
    So that I can rise above this pain