• I place the ear buds in my ears
    and tune everything out
    Your guilt trips and your tears
    a fleating ache
    The music envelops me in peace
    a security blanket
    Telling stories of hope and love
    I want to believe
    The music sheet a canvas on which
    a picture is painted
    Dark colors, smothering the sun
    in shadows
    Splashes of salted tears I wish
    would wash away the hurt
    Dramatic slashes of red and brown
    the scars on my heart
    The white of feathers and a coo
    she lays in a crimson puddle
    A dove, the picture of innocence
    wings mangled and broken
    Held to the earth by the guilt she feels
    it's greedy hands clutching her heart
    She wants to be free of it but
    her heart aches for it
    It takes her slender neck in it's hands
    she winces in pain
    It plants a tender kiss on her cheek
    that burns her skin
    A quick twist, a snap
    she falls limp
    Like a wave of release
    it washes away
    Paint colors run together to form
    a new picture
    As the song ends, the picture
    changes one last time
    The dove, wings healed
    soaring towards the clouds
    It's hands chasing after her
    clutching desperately
    It cries and pleads but
    the dove flies on
    Skywards she soars through the blue open space
    free of her guilt at last