• why should i cry
    tears for you
    when you don't care
    i walked to you
    not you to me
    you don't care

    you break me
    you hit me
    you tease me
    then say nothing
    why should i cry
    if you don't care

    you laugh at jokes about me
    you make them to
    and through all this i cared about you
    but why should i cry
    when you don't care

    i defend you
    but you disown me
    i make excuses
    while taking things you
    throw at me
    they hurt but yours hit hardest

    like i said i went to you
    not you to me
    that was MY mistake
    i put myself on the line

    i thought i was doing good
    should have done
    my research
    your rep was bad
    but i was blinded
    by good looks

    didn't see
    who and what you really are
    i take way too much
    for you
    but now i ask
    why should i cry
    if you don't care

    i wished to.........
    but now who knows where
    i get it from
    i've teased for 6 years under this sun
    and once i found a person to like
    maybe just maybe....................
    i could be a lucky girl
    but now i have but one thing to ask

    why should i cry if you don't care?...............................

    i know what you will say

    cause i'm different