• Life can be good,
    Life can be bad.
    It can be happy,
    It can be sad.
    It is full of wonderfull desire,
    and the woman you love, constantly calling you a liar.
    Two halves of the same coin, dark and light.
    Constantly waging an endless fight,
    Over minds, and souls, a swirling maelstrom of wrong an right.

    For some loves journey, it all ends with a girl in a veil.
    So beautiful, and yet it's all frail.

    For others though, ends it not, with a girl, through the church, she makes no trail.
    For some their feeling come out in a lurch, and they are denied.
    Weak and broken, they lay there, a dept paid.
    Their Minds slowly fade, the reaper knocks on their door, and they fall to the floor.