• the cold night embrace the thoughts that always seen to glisten
    wont u hear me oh please, i need someone to listen.
    do u know the emotions that never have the words?
    well listen up cause i figurded out the world.
    the confusing emotion called love seems to overcome,
    but take a look at yourself, theres a reasone why you have it.
    the person you thought should never trully care,
    stop slitting your wrists because it only hurts you and them more.
    the addictive habits of sadness and misery are really just an illusion.
    made by the world to keep u from seeing the truth.
    it should be called a treason!
    look around, what do you see? not split powder from a knife, and empty bottles of boze.
    you should see the light that is called kindness, not the craving for empty sex. and partying for pleasure.
    its really so deep the clouds that cover us, so use this as an umbrella to keep you dry from their empty hopless politics and so called science.
    they poisend your mind with the tic in politics, and the dangerouse chemical called science eat away at your true will.
    all this is called... nothing. the emotion that makes people angry, and confused. the thing to make rash suicide decions. Blame it on the so called truth that they used to kill the ones before you!!
    nothing, the thing that makes all earthy things seem pointless.
    all of the rape, hate, alchole, drugs.
    the atempt to fill the void of an emotion. nothing, the thing that drives us to insanity. they were like the lithium used on the people with no control...
    look again, they might be the ones inside the realm of truth.
    your so called Prof wont work on me!!!
    i have the real light, the light that fills all emotions.
    the faith, inside Him. God, and Jesus, he loves us too, ur hurting Him. stop your attempts to fill the empty emotion. and look at the truth, behind the curtains of the world.