• As he walks down the hall I and see him with her in his hands.
    I figured out what has to be done.
    I take out my knife from my pocket.
    I don't kill him but, i kill her.
    So, we can be together for ever.
    But, as i walk down the hall seeing how happy she makes him.
    I do not want him to suffer.
    So i put the knife right back in my pocket.
    So i can spare him the pain.
    I don't want him to suffer as i suffer everyday seeing him with her.
    Which kills me very so.
    I'm sorry but someday i will go crazy.
    May not be her i kill.
    Maybe him.
    I love him in all but...
    What needs done will be done, someday.
    I want her to suffer so bad.
    I don't want him to suffer though.
    Sorry, sweetie as you die someday with a knife in you chest remember you mortal enemy.
    I may be the the answer to Shayla's death.

    I love you Dillan forever