• heart Well,Here it goes.
    (count 25)
    (code:Comma's must
    counted for 2 seconds.Periods-Doesn't matter howmany-
    for 3 seconds.)
    The days are far behind,
    I don't know what to do,
    Especially without you.

    You're by my side,
    Protecting me,
    Holding me,
    Loving me,
    just like you use too.

    Thats what dreams are for,
    Hurting you dearly..</3
    As my heart been broken,
    By arrows of hatred.

    All day and everyday,
    I think of you,
    Even when you're not here;
    By my side,
    Not holding me,
    Not talking to me..
    I still think of you.

    When I finally have a chance to talk to you,
    It feels like i'm in heaven,
    But...When i see you haven't talken to me,
    I begin to sob,
    Nothing matters anymore..</3
    You broke my gentle loving hurt,
    No reason.
    If I can take back,
    What i have never done..
    Give you back my heart..

    Nothing is forgotten,
    When I was loved by,
    That special someone,
    The special one...<3
    Shared special stuff with me..
    That special one,Who treated me,
    Like..A princess..
    That one...
    The one..

    You will always be mine,
    even when I am 20..
    You'll be my special,Loving,Prince,
    Charming =)
    Even when Times get rough,
    I'll always think of you,
    Loving me,
    Giggling to me,
    Hugging me,
    Gripping me up,
    Smothering me [love smother]
    Kissing me,
    Rubbing me,
    Calling me..
    You're everything....=]
    You'll be kept in mind,