• Questions for the lovebug
    In class i barely concentrate
    while he stares at me from across the room
    it never really occured to me until my friend told
    me how bad he was crushing on me
    and it wasn't until then
    that i realize i was doing the same
    but the weridest part is
    what does he see in me...why am i so appealing to him?
    is it the things i do?
    is it because i listen?
    am i his saivor?
    am i his guiding light?
    another thing is
    what do i see in him?
    does he listen to me?
    is he my saivor?
    is he my guiding light?
    i think it's strange becuse when i look at him
    for some odd reason
    i feel like an unfinished puzzle
    and he is like that missing peice of me
    maybe he is what im here for
    or maybe
    im his missing peice
    i dont understand
    why love is so complicated
    do i make it complicated?
    do you make it harder for me to understand?
    how could someone like us find favor in one another
    when we come from different backgrounds?
    or maybe, just maybe
    he's is appart of me and your trying to clarify it
    and if you are
    thank you
    it might take a while for me to comprehend it
    but with him by my side
    maybe it would be worth the while.