• tired

    im bored with this life of mine. im tired of being here.
    tired of the bullshit, tired of the noises,
    tired of most of humanity and its ******** up choices.
    tired of the same old things that i see,
    tired of the fingers and faces pointed at me.
    tired of the loneliness, tired of the shame,
    tired of hiding my face because im losing the game.
    tired of this void that is trapped in my life,
    so theres only one way that i can make it alright.
    pull out a sword or a gun or a knife,
    whatever tools you need to end your strife.
    place it on your neck as you let out a laugh
    finger on the trigger, blades starting to stab.
    then as you close your eyes and say your goodbyes
    a hand reaches out and you open your eyes
    to the sight of a stranger, friend, lover, or family
    you see all their tears and you hear all their cries
    the moral that i am trying to get through
    is that your 1 life affects more than just you.
    more people love you than they'll ever show
    never give up because there is always hope