• My dreams are love, are life...
    And there I have your name engraved in fire on my chest
    Like burning flames of the desire to fell you....
    I have the image of your sweet eyes
    Reflected in the interior of my mind,
    Like a reflection in the calm waters of Sena
    I have the passion of your being jailed,
    Locked in the interior of my soul
    Like a prisoner of love and war...

    My dreams are ways, are portals...
    Portals that bind us in time and space...
    Are sweet tastes of your kiss...
    Sweet sound of your voice...
    Are the sweet taste of sin in your body...
    The soft smell of your perfume...
    Are the strong passion of your being...
    The warm desire of felling you...

    My dreams are images...
    Are dreams...
    Are dreams of having you, of felling you...
    Dreams of seeing you, of kissing you...
    Of loving you...

    My dreams are love, are life...
    Are ways, are portals...
    Are images...
    Are dreams...