• am such a fool girl to full in love with you
    to love someone forgat what love ment
    am such a fool girl to let my haert deside and follow you where ever you are
    to let my haert make a fool out me
    i wish i didnt close my eyes my ears my maind
    and just open my haert to an adventure but you know what there is no adventure in a broken haert
    that follish me
    that follish haert

    what a pitty i thought there was somthing magical betwen us
    because only magic can change the world
    change people

    what a shame i thuoght you care more about me
    more to not let go
    enogh love and trust to faight the world together
    but i know i know
    there is good in you so pleas dont faight it like every thing alse
    my heart saw something more than a black jaket and stern that gose so will with that segrat
    i saw ascard boy closing every door to his heart
    smalle child desided never to cry
    so he wore a max you have till now
    so why the act you are allowed a moment of weak arent you like me another humen been