• One day, I woke up in amidst of crowded people.
    Confused, I stood up and wondered in awe of what was happening. Soon or later, I’ve figured out that people were dancing. They’re in the rhythm of heart-felt pounding. Knowing not what to do, I’ve followed the crowd and danced mad.
    I’ve danced, danced and danced until my heart was about to burst in agony. Faces of people were ecstatic and almost in pain. But I’ve felt it. I’ve felt a passion deeply embedded within this waltz.
    Melting myself in, I’ve let it all be with me. I’ve felt the atmosphere soaked through my body like a sponge. I’ve felt the whole cosmic energy gushing through my peculiar body.
    This is it! I thought.
    Kneeling down on the ground, I’ve pushed my ears against a sand pebbled surface. I’ve heard the heartbeat of earth!