• Shadow's Dance

    Have you ever watched the Shadow dance?
    Seen the masquerade of every stance?

    Such movements planned perfectly
    Only add to the crowds' certainty

    That this must be the greatest test
    The mastery of a life blessed

    All that is
    All that will ever be
    Is just the perfect dance
    Of the Shadow's mimicry

    But have you ever looked beyond mask?
    Seen the face that seems to ask?

    A pain reflected past all else known
    A weariness from ordeals never shown

    Such a call to all that lives
    Why chosen for the future a dreary past gives?

    Life, as so, a burden
    Death a freedom and punishment
    Such is the prison
    Of the Shadow's torment

    So forever carry the worries of all others
    On your shoulders, oh Shadow without druthers

    Continue to dance
    Hide the pain of loneliness in such trance

    Oh Shadow whom none will truly see
    True thanks, as such, never given to thee