• Walking in the desert of my own despair and inner strife,
    leaving my pain and guilt behind,
    forgetting the taste of water and the feel of society,
    but always feeling the heat of my hatred and the bitter taste of betrayel

    As i fall and lay ignoring the scourching sand,
    remembering the people i always trusted,
    i accepted the fate to become a memory as well

    Taking one last glimpse around me,
    i see a beautiful yet untouchable flower from a far,
    my curiousity became my goal and my will,
    closer i crawled closer the flower was near,
    yet not a flower but a girl sitting in pain as well

    She tended my wounds and gave me the taste of life once again,
    her touch warm yet sad her voice sweet yet lonely,
    she was kind yet afraid of me she healed my pain

    But did not let me heal hers......