• in my eyes u r the brightest flower among all others
    when we first met i knew it would come down to us being together
    im so glad there is so much love between us
    because without u i dont know wut i would do
    i am so glad u say u love me every night
    when i talk to u my heart longs for your warmth in my arms
    but alas i am here and you are there
    yet untill we see each other again i guess this will have to do


    ________________ 0 _________________

    ~* The meaning of true love. *~
    When I think of my love for you
    the wonder of its beauty takes my breath away.
    I cannot recall the moment in time it began,
    but only the overwhelming feeling of ecstasy it brought to me.

    For at that moment I knew happiness.
    A happiness I had never known before.
    For just the thought of you gave me joy beyond belief.

    The thought of being with you and being held by you was my one desire
    I knew once we first met none other would ever do,
    for I knew love.

    I knew love as I had never thought possible in this life time.
    It is a love of passion and desire.
    It is a never-ending need to you,
    for you, only you.

    When I think of my love for you
    I realize I now know the true meaning of love.
    I will love you as long as this life endures and beyond,
    for you are my dreams, my realities.
    You are my heart
    You are my meaning of true love.

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    "True Love is a bond, that binds two souls into one,
    It is unconditional, and it asks for nothing in return.
    It is something that originates from the heart's core,
    which gives the lovers a purpose to live their life for.

    Lovers stay together, do all the things great& small,
    until their last breath, they answer their soul's call.
    they're made for each other, and sent from above,
    their sacred bond defines the meaning of true love.

    True Love's strength can do wonders, if you believe,
    inner satisfaction to yourself is the gift you'll recieve.
    It does not change with change in season or weather,
    No obstacle can bar two lovers from being together.

    When life seems to stand still for a moment so long,
    it is love that makes it sound like a melodious song.
    True love makes your life, as beautiful as it can be,
    it's thumping rhythm silences all else in its harmony.

    When your life seems to turn into a great mishap,
    when you feel you're lost in the desert with no map,
    when life serves a blow & makes you breathe slow,
    love helps you stand tall, and win this game show.

    When you're not able to judge what is good or bad,
    when nothing seems to make you feel sad or glad,
    true love helps you out or at least tries to console,
    It's magical healing power comes in to play its role.

    It makes the clouds of tears & sorrows fade away.
    Happiness finds a place in your life, forever to stay.
    It's to live a life of devotion and show that you care,
    and if your partner needs you, you are always there.

    True love is about sacrifice, it is to give and to take,
    It is the reason behind every joyful noise you make.
    It's to promise to be together, for nights and days,
    and to show your love in various affectionate ways.

    True love can be found in an ideal husband or wife,
    depth of their devotion gives a meaning to their life.
    Their unselfish love holds the key to heaven's gate,
    with love's magical power, they write their own fate.

    True love does not stay in immature relationships,
    those built on lust, passion or mere touching of lips.
    It is based on trust and sacrifice & not on inner fire,
    precious gifts of gold or diamond it doesn't require.

    With love, you find a heaven upon this planet earth,
    you feel as if you're the owner of a precious worth.
    Love needs time to grow and a bit of your sacrifice,
    but once you gain it, you feel it was worth the price."


    I haven't known you very long
    but that's not the way I feel;
    I've told you all about me
    I have nothing to conceal.
    What I say may sound silly now
    but you'll find it to be true;
    I never thought that when we met
    I would fall in love with you.
    You are my new beginning,
    you're the door to life beyond;
    you're all that I could ever want or ever need to carry on.
    You're the future I have dreamed of,
    you're a new and brighter day;
    with you, there is no looking back,
    the past can fade away.
    Though I haven't known you very long
    you'll find all I've said is true;
    I never thought that when we met
    I would fall in love with you


    Every time I see you I cant help but stare All i think about is do you think of me, the way i think of you? I love you without a doubt no matter how hard I try I can't seem to stop loving you so baby I know this love is true When I look you in the eyes i melt because I know I've crossed your mind so you love me the way i love you? because... this love I have for you... baby im sure is true.


    I never really knew you
    You were just another friend
    But when I got to know you
    I let my heart unbend
    I couldn't help past memories
    that would only make me cry
    I had to forget my first love
    and give love another try
    So I've fallen in love with you
    and I'll never let you go
    I love you more than anyone
    I just had to let you know
    And if you ever wonder why
    I don't know what I'll say
    But I'll never stop loving you
    each and every day
    My feelings for you will never change
    just know they are true
    and remember one thing it is that
    I will always love you!


    The first time we kissed,
    The first time we danced;
    Since the first time we met,
    I was lost in romance.
    Everything about you,
    I loved!
    You were like an angel,
    Sent from above!
    So this is a little something,
    To let you know it's true,
    I feel nothing but love,
    And I want to marry you!


    I'll always be here,
    Whether you need me or not.
    And I want you to know,
    That I still love you.
    No one will ever replace you,
    Because you're special in my life.
    You'll always be my best friend,
    My first true love!


    i'll never forget the first time i set my eyes on you
    i thought i would cry
    but now i see your smile
    when i look at the stars bright twinkle in the sky
    and your body when i close my eyes
    i'd walk a thousand miles
    just to see your pretty face each time you smile
    there is no distance for me
    as long as it's you i get to see
    because it's only you i desire
    because you set my soul on fire
    i'm a god and you are my godess
    you and I together have found benevolence
    you're the sun in my universe; everything i do
    surrounds you
    i say to myself, how could this be
    that i have found someone that i would marry
    how did i become so lucky
    and now i'm so happy
    for, in meeting you, i have learned something not to many people can

    this is a poem only for the love of my life
    i love you!
    something deeper than the water that surrounds this land
    something i thought i would never understand
    i feel it every time you are away and it's you i deeply miss
    and i feel it when i get chills every time we kiss
    i get it when i see you smile
    i feel it every time we are acting crazy and wild
    i feel it every time i think of someting true
    i have felt it since may 15th, the first day i met you


    feel that i could love noone else the way i love u
    with each passing day i love you more and more which i didnt think was posible till i met you
    you are my life you are the one and only thing that keeps me going
    to me even heaven would be hell without you by my side
    until i met you i didnt know the meaning of true love but as you can see all these are written for you to read to prove that i love you more than anyone else i can think of
    the bottom line to everyone of these letters or calls or however we are talking to each other is that i just cant stand to go more than 1 day without hearing from you and that i will always love you


    Roses are red,violets are blue.
    the sun shines bright your heart does to.
    the grass is green, the sky is blue.
    And you know what i love you as red as a red rose.


    As you hold me to your heart, I know and feel there is
    no deeper more securing place in which I could be
    For you are my every dreaming minute, all I want, all that
    my life shall ever need, and I know that you and I,we were destined to be from the very start
    For it is only with you that I trust true love will
    succeed, as you are the very one who signed
    love's signature upon my heart.
    Thinking of you, as my future I ponder, though I thought I'd
    never find something, love someone so true
    And with every moment every part of me
    grows a little fonder
    for there was a move set on my heart, so clearly
    placed there by you
    And for those sweet moments in talking with you,
    nothing matters
    but you and I, and the fact that we are together
    Despite the distance,
    For I may not be sure of anything else, but in my
    heart this sentiment I know
    You and I, my soul and yours, as true, sincere love
    shall last us forever
    As you hold me to your heart, and eternally
    love shall grow
    For without you the sun would not shine so brightly in
    my sky above, this passionate warmth, undying
    endearment, such overwhelming bliss,
    forever I'll share with you, and only you
    True Love.


    Love comes through the eyes
    That help me see this wonderful surprise
    I see this wonderful man
    Whom of which I can always stand

    Love comes through the ears
    That never hear fears
    They help me hear the words from you
    And help me pull through

    Love comes through the hands
    That make you my man
    Your touch creates chills
    Which make me go through many thrills

    Love comes through the mouth
    That will one day make you my spouse
    You say the right things at the right time
    Which help me keep my state of mind

    Love comes through dreams
    That make us gleam
    I dream about life with you in it
    And everything seems lit

    Love comes through smiles
    That extend for miles
    You can see all the joy
    That comes from my baby boy

    Love comes through affection
    That makes me feel your protection
    I feel safe and secure
    And always come back for more

    Love comes through the seasons
    That give me plenty of reasons
    Reasons that I Love You
    And make us true

    Love comes through the heart
    That makes me want to never part
    Your heart is all I need to get by
    Without making me cry

    Love comes through me
    Which will set you free
    I will give you all my love
    That was sent as a gift from above

    Love comes through you
    That is always new
    You come up with the sweetest things
    And I know we can handle whatever love brings

    Love comes through each one of us
    That makes us a must
    I don't think I'd make it without you
    And your love so very true.


    My True Love Forever

    My true love forever
    You will always be
    Cupid's arrow and bond
    I will keep close to me

    We share loving ideas
    Little hopes, and fears
    Many sweet special hugs
    Endless laughter even tears

    My one and only true love
    I hope you are always there
    You are the world to me
    No one else can compare

    My true love on you
    I can always depend
    I am here for you too
    Anytime, also a friend

    With you, I never have
    Any heartfelt regret
    You are special forever
    Remember don't forget


    You are surrounded
    by his loving arms—
    his bows strung & unstrung
    pointing away from you,
    his sword sweeps closely
    and just when you think
    you're safe, his arrow
    pierces your heart

    and you want to kiss
    every blade of grass,
    soar with the West Wind
    up to cirrus clouds brush-
    stroking the skies, seeing
    beauty everywhere,
    you ride a raindrop back
    to this dear earth


    You and I
    have so much love
    that it burns like fire,
    in which we bake a lump of clay
    to mold a figure of you
    and a figure of me.
    In a moment of passion,
    we break the images to pieces,
    and mix them in water,
    knead and mold again
    an image of you
    and another of me.
    Now I am in your clay
    and you are in my clay.
    In life we share a single quilt.
    In death we'll share one coffin.

    ~~True Love~~