• What is it about this place called Earth
    That we think is so great?
    When we woke up in darkness from our birth,
    Into a world full of jealously and hate.
    What does that make us in this pit of hell?
    Are we shades with no souls or are we demons?
    Since this is hell on earth, there’s no safe place to dwell.
    And our lives lack morals and have no meanings.
    We walk on this land that we think we deserve.
    Yet we kill almost everything in sight.
    I guess it’s no wonder that it’s the darkness we serve
    Letting the shadows block out the sun, stealing the light.
    It doesn’t make a difference since some of us don’t care.
    Because we hate, steal, and kill.
    For something as stupid as money.
    We don’t care since we’re showing off our “skill.”
    And people say that we always show mercy.
    The words we speak are full of lies…
    And it never matters who we hurt.
    Because in the end everyone dies.
    So tell me, what’s so great about this place called Earth?