• I do not need this now,
    I will be leaving now,
    You say that I've hurt you now,
    I've done nothing to you now...

    I just cannot take this,
    You're constantly giving s**t.
    Now I'm leaving all of it,

    I just cannot take this,
    All the whining, all the crying.
    You're so so fake and,
    Now I see it. Now I'm leaving,
    You and all the pain behind...

    I've had enough of this,
    All of your Bullshit fits,
    Designed just to keep me here,
    With you my transparent dear.

    I now see through your charades,
    I'm through playing all your games.
    I'm done being used today,
    And forever more...

    Now I'm, no longer blinded,
    I see through you lies, I've seen through your eyes.
    I'm a just a tool, I'm just some fool,
    That you can control,
    Well I won't take it anymore...

    Think back, to the time when,
    I first met you, I was so blind.
    How could I not, see the true you?
    View the b***h in you?
    I guess I really was a fool...

    Your spell holds me no longer,
    My eyes were open, but I was so blind.
    Now I see you, for what you are.
    You do not care, for me at all.

    And now here is the best part...

    I am going.
    Won't come back again.
    I don't need you.
    You were not a friend.
    Now I leave you,
    How you started.
    All alone now.
    I have finally escaped… You.