• My mind fills with all these ideas,
    To concure and destroy,
    Everything in my path,
    Laeving nothing standing taller then me,
    But in all this process,
    You beg me to stop,
    If for nothing else,
    For you,
    But i don't think you understand,
    I like to be like this,
    Not listening to anyone,
    It has been a dream of mine,
    That i am ready yo succeed
    You may think i'm obssesive,
    Or stupid,
    But in my heart,
    It's the only thing that seems right any more,
    Already put upon the world,
    I don't think it will last,
    Much more of all this pollution,
    And waste being dumped into its enviroment,
    So don't use your little comments,
    To try and stop me from deleting every single person,
    Nothing can stop me.
    I'm sorry for saying this is the end,
    End of your life and mine,
    End of sadness,
    End of sorrow,
    End of humanity,
    But the beggining of the world to heal once again.
    Try to think of about the begining,
    When we met eachother,
    When we crossed eachothers paths,
    That's a good last thought,
    For both of us to think of,
    Again i am sorry,
    This is my destiny,
    Even if it wasn't,
    The world would still die,
    So i am basically speeding up the process,
    Don't feel to bad,
    You aren't the only one,
    That hasn't succeeded,
    To stop me,
    Good luck in your next life,
    I beg one thing though,
    Take care of yourself,
    Love you till the last moment,
    Never once regreting the thought of us.
    Taken the knife,
    Stabbed till your last breath,
    Blood covers everyting,
    I can't hold it in any more,
    Tears fall down my face,
    Drop by drop memories pour ot of m head,
    Like rain falling from the sky,
    Not stopping until one last thought was left,
    My lips perk up as i see you in my head smiling at me,
    More tears fall down my cheeks,
    And as if you never existed i remembered nothing of the good days,
    Just like it was a figment of my imagination,
    A memory left on paper,
    A love lost because the river always flows,
    Forgetting made my life,
    One big time bomb,
    Ready to explode,
    I can't stand the emptyness inside me,
    I ended my life like i did the others,
    "Now the world can finally be at peace"
    My last reath drew and then i was gone.
    Good bye forever. crying