• You tell me you love me
    You dont mean it
    You say you care
    Why havent you showed it?
    You say Im the only one
    You lie
    I can see it in your eyes
    I said i loved you
    I ment it
    Day in and day out
    You say your going to work
    We both know where your going
    I feel a little better to know tht u lie because u dont want to hurt me
    That felling goes as quickly as it came when i remember where your going
    I learned not to confront you anymore
    Because if I do I will get ur skin across my face
    I would have to make up foolish lies to cover it up
    It's time
    Time to end the agony
    The suffering
    My true friend is this knife
    So shiny and new
    Tainted with my hearts blood
    I smile to know that my pain is over
    At least you care enough to put me in the ground