• Away into the night our love is strong
    I see things that appear wrong
    the dead still faces mounted upon the wall
    they move as you turn around an one of them falls
    Away it crawls on its back moving all towards the door mat
    they rush away into the gloomy night dead as a nail an gone as the wind
    Will they ever wish again they wont they don't they cant they must
    Dead and Gone is the wish of most mainly when the storms are coming off of the coasts
    in your mind u fall off the edge
    you don't care an you still fall not spreading your wings
    The deeper you go into the dark you realize this is bliss the true meaning will come to you
    soon you will die an nothing will be left but the ashes of you bones an skin
    no one will come to your grave for they wont find you
    Deep inside your mind you find yourself
    Crying into a river no one sees your tears
    The years pass an no contact with anyone
    The cries of you past an future beg you to change you don't an die again
    this time there is no refuge your death is a dishonor to the world
    Change now or you will die saddened by your death only the demons mourn on such an evil soul