• Where are you when i need you the most?
    To tell me you love me when i feel like dying and no else know i even exist?
    Where are you when my heart breaks when I find out my best friend dies of a drug over dose?
    Where are you when I need you the most?
    To tell that you weren’t in the plane that had crashed in the Atlantic Ocean?
    Where are you when my grandpa dies from cancer and I need you to comfort me?
    Where are you when I need you the most?
    To give the kisses that I so need to help make the pain I feel inside go away for ever?
    Where are you when I miss my closest friends wedding cuz my mom and dad got into a car crash and I have no one to hold me when I have no one left but you?
    Where are you when I need you the most?

    I know where you are,
    You’re in the morgue like every one else I know.
    I don’t know how long I can live with out you by my side.
    But maybe,
    Just maybe,
    I will be able to find some one to take your place by my side.
    Until I meet the right guy I don’t know…
    All I know is right now I need you to hold me,
    The way you did.
    I need you kiss me,
    The same way you did to make my pain go way.
    I need you to whisper in my ear,
    ‘I love you and always will’ when I would feel like no one cares about me.
    I know you can’t do that anymore,
    Because you’re in the morgue.