• The little girl in black with the bouquet of bright flowers
    That she lays across her parents' graves as she holds her head high
    And tries to fight the diamond tears that sparkle on her face
    Whenever she remembers that she is alone...

    The soldier with the bloodstained face and broken legs
    Sprawled on the ground paralyzed, helpless
    While around him, comerades die young, desperate and alone;
    He cries out in agony...darkness falls and he is gone.

    The flightless bird with the sorrowful song
    That weeps love and breathes life into the forest;
    The thorns that peirce through bark and skin
    And bloom into roses that shimmer in the morning dew

    The endless circle of life and death
    Of happiness and sorrow and love and hate
    Like night compliments day...
    There is beauty in pain