• Right there in that foggy forest wasteland
    That is where I finally took his hand
    I allowed him to lead me through the eerie place
    What scared me was the look upon his face
    Our steps seemed to echo through the silence
    The world seemed to be closing in on us in that very instance
    As I grasped his hand tighter he led me on through this place, I didn't belong
    In a second my feelings changed
    I felt the electricity in the look we quickly exchanged
    finally it was over, he had slowed to a steady walk
    His expression seemed that of shock
    I didn't realize that I had stopped
    Neither of us talked
    I just stood and stared
    I was confused by this rope of love in which I was ensnared
    I walked over to him and simply asked "Why?"
    and all he said was "Because your the one who makes my heart fly."
    My mind became filled with unexplainable rage
    It felt as if my anger had been in some sort of cage
    "Enough with your games I can't take it anymore!"
    He sighed and took my hands. "Look around here. There is no one but you, no one but me, I needed to bring you here so I could truly see. Your face uncorrupted by the mask you wear at school, without your hair done up to make you look cool. Don't give up on me just yet, of course you probably still love me I bet."
    I know it's lame but right then i cried
    His words stabbed into my pride
    We had walked all this way just so he could see,
    Who I really am, the real me...