• Long ago, there
    was a poet
    A poet who
    bought words
    By arranging the
    beautiful words
    he purchased
    He gained the fame
    that allowed him to
    avoid loneliness
    And the wealth to live
    a trouble-free life

    One day the poet
    met a village girl
    And wanted a
    word that could
    express to her
    The gallop of his
    heart and the
    tremolo that
    overcame his brain

    The poet
    bought up as many words
    as he could
    But could not
    find one that
    fit perfectly

    Time passed; his
    wealth ran out
    The poet eventually
    died a sad end
    That sunny morning'
    many tears were shed
    Many funeral songs
    were played
    But there were no
    words of condolence

    The poet had
    already bought
    them all up