• So it is over.
    I have completly lost you.
    And now there is a hole in my heart.
    How could you hert me like this?
    You said i was the one leaving,well your the one not stoping me.
    I am walking away because of you.
    I cant be racking brain about you constantly.
    I will be sader now and more depressed.
    But as iv herd before thats waht you get when you let your heart win.
    And i did.
    I should have hidden my emotions from you.
    So you wouldnt be able to crush them.
    It would seem that i am lost agian.
    You know how hard my life is yet you hurt me.
    Leav me to die.
    You love and tell me im not alone anymore.
    Then,even when you know your the only good thing in my life,you start to be cruel to me.
    And leav me all alone in the dark yet agian.
    I always wondered who would cry at my funeral.
    You told me you would.
    You told me you would die right alonge side me.
    But you lied.
    I wanted to be remembered by not just anybody,but by you.
    I dont care if other peopl remember me.
    I just wanted you to.
    I wanted you to give me some resons to be missed.
    But i will not.
    When i finaly do crumble away from time no one will care.
    But i do have one thing to say to you.
    Thanks for the memories.
    I will remember you.
    And will never forget you.
    But i wished you would al least try to stop me.
    So, plese,plese,try to do something.