• lol
    Hey lets face it, the world with bombs and black holes
    everyday destroying the beauty and nature of our world.
    My american dream would be to live on my own island in the south
    pacific, with boat transportation everyday to and from the island
    but hey this is just a dream right?
    the space crafts flying overhead no place to land, except on wet sealand.
    why not chop all the trees up in the city to make more wood to build my dream home, school, and other shops on my island?
    Why should Gaia have all the fun?
    I want my dream island to be my home forever, with all the people that
    want to live there, to also build their dream life on a healthy area also.
    The sea would be filled with lot's of fish to eat, no sharks, no worries.
    the land would be filled with all the trees with delious fresh fruit to pick from on a daily.
    There will be a store eventually, but starting out is tough when your not
    even old enough to work yet.
    People go to the moon?...why?..what do they expect us to do?, travel back and forth . it cost one million dollars just for one person on a round trip flight.
    Let's face it people, If I had my own Island?...I'd only charge for eating my food, and if you choose to stay...well we'd hav to talk about that then.
    The earth will not survive another million years, but there will always be an island somewhere, and eventually I will be there too! mrgreen