• Hate

    You're always putting me down,
    making me feel like a fool.
    You try to make me out as stupid,
    rejecting me constantly.
    I reach out my hand,
    and you slap it away.
    I crave to finally have a father.
    But you don't wanna have anything,
    to do with me.
    You don't care what happens,
    as long as u have control.
    But one day your gonna feel bad.

    My Mother is always making excuses for you,
    she never makes you take responsibility.
    Always blaming it on the fact that,
    you grew up with parents who had no empathy.
    Well I've seen you give it to others,
    and I've seen u be nice to others.
    You tell my lil sister that I'm stupid,
    shes only 4 how dare you mess with my,
    relationship with her.

    You got my mom pregnant and thats,
    why your around.
    She's always telling me how she wishes,
    she could get out of it.
    You're lucky shes disabled cause i know,
    she wouldn't put up with this s**t that your,
    throwing around.
    You may think you're powerful,
    but let me tell you something.
    You don't have the power anymore,
    cause I'm taking it back!

    No, you can't make me cry anymore.
    I'm done with all this cause I won't let you,
    hurt me any more.
    No, you can't have the power any more.

    But tell me something step father...
    Did you feel strong making a little girl cry?
    Did you feel powerful making me feel like s**t?