• A happy couple sitting in the breeze holding hands and sharing thaughts he leans in to kiss her and they are happy. He walks her home says good night with a good nights kiss. The next morning he confrunts her infront of all her friends and says i really never liked you. Then she runs off before he can finish what he was saying then the next day she finds out she has to move away and he tries again but she ran. Then the finnal day came and the same thing happend so finaly she left with no good bye to him.
    The next day he tells her friend to call her and tell her this.....
    So her friend calls her up and says Caleb told me something that he wanted to tell you so the girl listens and caleb said You know how i said i never really liked you, i loved you. Then the girl felt bad not being able to say good buy to her true love so she cried her self to sleep that night and knew from now on to listen to the whole sentence. And he learned to not brake news starting off saying something mean. Then the two happy couple went there seprate ways and 15 years later they meat each other in the supper market with there husband and wifes and there children and look at each other and smiled as they walked bye.

    This is what happend to me and my old boyfriend Caleb and i hope you liked it

    Wrriten By mscutie_16