• Theres a glass that suppurates us form each other
    We can see on the other side
    But we can hear
    Or even fell
    We can only see

    As I look at you
    I see myself holding
    And playing with you

    I start to cry
    The things I see
    I wish I could do

    But yet I'm on the other side
    Crying, My hands hides my face
    So you can never see me cry

    But yet you start to pound on the glass
    A small crack runs across the glass
    And my hope rise.

    You scream something at me
    But yet I can not hear you
    A hand touches my shoulder
    I turn around
    To see only Death

    I look back at you
    A tear runs down your face
    You keep pounding on the glass

    And all i can do
    Is mouth good-bye to you

    But as I step inside his clock
    The glass that has been around us broke

    You scream my name
    You fall to your knees
    Beginning me
    Asking me
    Not to go

    I hold a hand out for you
    you grab it freely
    I pull you in as Death close his clock around us

    I hold you close
    I kiss you softly
    And I cry on your shoulder

    You wrap your arms around me
    Crying with me
    you only say three little words
    before death lets us out
    "I love You"