• If only there were a way to dance with your soul

    To express something; an idea, an emotion, a thought
    Express it so well that you feel as though you were flying as you explain it

    If only there was a way
    You could speak with your spirit
    That you could feel like you were singing the most beautiful song

    One might say that such things aren't possible,
    Such things aren't feasible

    Well for me they are possible
    For me they are more then feasible
    They are tangible in the most artistic way

    Sign language and poetry
    They give me a voice to sing and speak
    They give me legs and feet to dance
    They give me wings to soar
    And ideas to express

    These are my forever loves
    When the rest of the world fails me
    When the rest of my life is at an end
    These simple things will be with me