• Death whispers in my ear such sweet words of a new, pain free life.
    And I listen
    And I like
    And I listen more
    And I like more
    And I’m tempted to fall in love with its promising sound.
    The sound assures me many things so lovely
    Its succulent whisper
    Its singing voice
    It calls me, Death’s sweet, peaceful whisper
    It calls me closer and closer to its own blissful, desperate, needy grips
    And I continue to listen
    And as I listen, I fall closer and closer
    And as I fall I imagine of all of its sweet promises
    And of how it promises to quench my needs
    Just the two of us together
    Death and I, I and Death
    Death promises such sweet things
    Now death lets me choose
    Do I go to Death’s sweet, blissful, heavenly, harmonious whisper?
    Where Death offers ease and a pain free life,
    Or do I go to my friends who are there for me but make me feel used?
    Who use me for their own selfish needs?
    Oh how sweet Death’s whisper is

    I choose Death then

    Now I’m the one screaming out for help
    Death’s sweet whispers have turned on me
    Death convinced me and I gave in
    I gave up
    I lost the battle
    Now I continue to scream for help but who’s there to help?
    Who will be my superhero?
    Who will pull me out?
    Death continues to pull on me every second I’m closer to it.
    Death whispered to me and I listened
    Now that I have screamed out for you will you listen?
    Will you care?
    Will you stop and help me?
    Or will you let Death’s sweet whispers of betrayal pull me in?
    Death, will you pull me into your dark bottomless pits?
    Will my friends care for me at all?
    Death I no longer want to hear your betraying whispers
    Friends, please, will you help me?
    I’m holding out my hand,
    Now will you pull?
    Death, Death, Death
    Please no more Death for me
    I’m reaching out for someone’s hand
    Who’s will it be?