• I can feel the envy burn inside
    Along with the need for suicide

    I would've started cutting a long time ago
    Because of the emotional pain and sorrow

    But I was too afraid of the pain it would bring
    I was left without a way to deal with everything

    It hurts so much I cry myself to sleep
    Only to have my alarm clock wake me with a beep

    Then the cycle repeats again
    Will someone please put this to an end?

    My only hope is to use humor as a tool
    It gets out of hand and makes me the fool

    But in my dreams its me and you
    My only wish is that you feel the was i do

    Another problem is that you like another guy
    The feelings come back everytime you pass by

    I only want to know why
    You carelessly left me here to die

    Alone I rest in this wasted grave
    Never recieved the love I craved

    Oh I wonder where I'll go
    Hopefully to Heaven, but more than likely Hell

    ---written by 1NV1S1BL3N1NJA a.k.a Ethan