• My life was petals on a dying rose
    each time a petal fell i fell into darkness
    my last petal came and my life was near the end
    my heart gave out, and my view of life was gone

    everything went black in my view
    a light appeared in the darkness and came closer
    burning the demons in the darkness waiting for me to fall
    And bring me farther into darkness

    When i saw the girl it was her
    My angel and savior
    she was my angel of savior, my beautiful angel
    she gave me her hand in love not hate

    she took my past and helped me over it
    she showed me the world was different
    she threw away the old and showed me the new
    i can show my true self to her the creature that i am

    she is not afraid she does not run
    she helps me
    she brought my smile back
    i didnt think i was loved till she showed me

    when my peace in life is gone she brings it back
    deaths were all i thought of and felt
    she brought life back to my life, and happiness along with it
    she didnt care if i was weak or strong, she tended my heart

    i thought no one cared about my words i spoke
    she brought my words back to my mouth
    i was dark, and almost dead at heart
    she brought light and life

    i may be punk and dark at times
    but when i see her the darkness burns to light
    she put new petals on my rose
    she became my new rose of life that petals never fall