• Fearless

    My Mother screams
    The cat brought a mouse in!
    In the kitchen, my mother standing on a chair
    the orange cat with a little gray mouse clutched in his jaws
    Looks almost like a scene from a 50's cartoon
    I shoo the cat out and clean up the blood stain left on the floor

    My boyfriend looks at me with a frown
    "Can you just get rid of it?"
    He's holding a can of my hairspray
    There's a spider twitching in a corner
    I've seen this guy take a foot to the groin
    with less fear in his eyes
    I scoop the spider into my hands and drop it outside

    He slapped my a**
    I turned around and slapped his face
    He smiled at me and said,
    "That all ya got?"
    I walk away.
    It felt good to hit him. Too good.
    If I didn't stop now,
    I wouldn't have stopped till some of his teeth sprayed out

    I remember the way my dad used to hit me.
    Back hand, or with an open fist when I was lucky.
    With books and plates or anything handy when he was really mad.
    I used to clean my own blood off my school books and I think
    Maybe that's why its so easy for me to shoo away other people's fears
    Because the only the thing I was ever really scared of was my father
    And he's dead.

    I guess that makes me fearless...