• tab Leaves lose their color and fall on the ground. Flowers shrivel and rendezvous with the leaves in their silent, unannounced deaths. Water pulls apart the rocks, beating them into dust, and washing the sand up onto the beach.

    tab Though all of these things happen, nobody seems to think of it as life and death, just change. But when a person or animal dies, the change can be unbearable.

    tab tab Maybe because of uniqueness.
    tab tab Maybe because beings interact.
    tab tab Maybe because their beauty lies in their being.
    tab tab Maybe because it’s gone forever.

    tab Seasons come and seasons go, the earth replenishes its living creatures.

    tab But it’s the differences in all that moves that make life so interesting and beings much missed – difficulties and attachments are the spices of life.

    tab But-

    tab tab Like seasons, people change without much notice. It’s time to take notice and signify those changes with something meaningful.