• As I lay in the night,
    I confront my worse fright.
    It comes out with no ones knowing,
    Every frightening thing on it showing.
    I try to run but always fail,
    Locked in what seems your jail.
    I search for an escape but never find one,
    The heat in the room is as hot as the sun.
    Exahstion over whelming my fragile body,
    Taking over me and making me feel groggy.
    As it seems the end I see a light,
    Shining straight into my sight.
    I follow it as best as I can,
    Every muscle in my body hurting as I try and try again.
    For hours it seems I have traveled for the unknown light,
    Hoping and praying that I just might.
    I finally enter the light escaping the pain behind me,
    A distint figure that my eyes can not see.
    That's when I snap back into reality,
    That's when I notice its just you and me.
    I smile as I look at you,
    I now know how you are one of the true few.