• It is her
    Her gently words
    Her soft voice
    Her luscious body
    And her eyes, deep enough for one to drown in
    This all is her
    It is her
    And she is my heaven
    My kingdom come
    The one that dictates my life
    She is the one that I wish to please
    Her smile is what powers me on
    Her laugh is what I yearn for
    And her love is my treasure
    The only thing I hold near and dear
    I live to be the one she leans on
    The one she runs to
    The one she is sure of when all else is gone
    When everything falls apart
    I want her to know that no matter what
    I will be here
    And I will stay with her because...
    She is my everything
    I dream of her
    Breathe her in
    And without her would surely die

    For if she were not there to see,
    I would gladly except blindness
    If her voice could not be heard,
    there would be no reason to hear
    If I could not feel her near,
    I would wish to feel nothing
    She controls all my five senses
    Along with my heart

    And with these,...
    She controls my entirety
    My being
    And existance
    They are all gladly put in her capable hands