• It's only been a while
    Since you moved on to
    Bigger and better things.
    I want you to succeed
    So why do I feel so bad?
    I know it's selfish of me
    But I didn't want you to go..
    Leave me stranded to my thoughts
    Yet stranded I am
    Behind the thorned walls of my heart
    For what?

    Over and over I cried
    You're not here!

    Stop haunting my dreams!
    You torture me yet you don't realize it..
    No, it is I who is the torturer,
    Inflicting my own wounds
    And always asking for more
    It's not what I was seeking
    But that's the way it turned out..

    Everything I spoke was the utmost truth..
    So hold it dear to your heart
    My feelings...
    They won't ever change for you
    Keep in mind...
    I wouldn't change the past
    No matter how painful the present
    No matter how lonely the future
    I'll miss you always..