• Some that's his name
    How am I suppose to know
    Some say he's the same
    Only I see the truth
    Something he doesn't seem to get
    How hard is it to say how you feel?
    There's nothing I regret
    I cherish the past
    And all it's memories
    It all went by so fast
    I saw change
    Most of the time frightened me
    Some of it was strange
    Fighting was in our daily routine
    It was normal and we knew
    The pressure of being a preteen
    Now the truth has come out
    There was nothing but lies
    At first full of doubt
    Everything from then on clicked
    It all made sence
    All the conflicts
    Everything was circled around lies
    All the memories
    It was all a disguice
    I'm now done with this crap
    I'll have none of the lies
    I'm out of his trap
    And forever our friendship dies...